30 September 2007 | 10:00-14:00
Rp. 2.000; Rp. 1.000; Rp. 600
Museum Wayang
Jl. Pintu Besar Utara No. 27
Jakarta Barat
T 692-7289
Pagelaran Wayang Kulit Purwa
Dalang R.A.Y Sri Sulansih W
Sanggar Purboras
30 September 2007 | 10:00-18:00
Masjid Agung Sunda Kelapa
Jl. Sunda Kelapa No. 16
T 0815 801-9643
Pentas Seni Ramadhan "Kita Semua Bersaudara"
Acara : Band Religi; Tari Saman; Tausiyah ( Ustdz. Irene Handoyo ); Operet Islami; Galang Dana untuk anak jalanan
29 September 2007 | 20:30
Rp. 20.000; Rp. 15.000
Gedung Wayang Orang Bharata
Jl. Kalilio No. 1
T 7064-2535
Labels: wayang
29 September 2007 | 19:30
Rp. 150.000; Rp. 100.000; Rp. 80.000
Plennary Hall
Jakarta Convention Center
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto
T 7279-5821
Bersama Glenn Fredly; Maliq D'essential, Zeke & The Popo; Indra Bekti & Olga
28 September 2007 | 20:30
Sanggar Baru
Taman Ismail Marzuki
Jl. Cikini Raya 73
T 3193-7325
Pemain Dian, Resinta, Fury, Sasi, Mimin, Aldri, Suzuki, Ety, Yo Kostum Kipas collection
Tatamusik Aan Haan Tatapanggung Hendro Tatatari Madia Patra Ismar Sutradara & Naskah Dojo Ide
28 September 2007 | 19:30 - 21:30
Rp. 30.000; Rp. 50.000
Erasmus Huis
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. S-3
T 549-0261
musik klasik, romantik, modern untuk piano, biola & vocal.
28 September 2007 | 18:30 - 21:00
bersama Ireng Maulana
Pasar Festival
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said
Kuningan Jakarta Selatan
T 526-3212
Labels: musik
28 September 2007 | 20.00 | Rp 50.000; 40.000
Acara di pendopo | Show in the veranda: Setu Babakan Betawi Music
Jalan Gedung Kesenian No.1 - Jakarta 10710.
T 380 8283, 344 1892 - F 381 0924
E gkj@pacific.net.id - www.gedungkesenianjakarta.com
I Wayan Balawan lahir di Bali pada bulan September 1973 dalam suasana keluarga yang mencintai gamelan Bali. Pada usia 8 tahun, ia mulai belajar gitar. Kepiawaiannya bermain gitar ditunjukkan ketika ia bisa memainkan Virtuoso Style a la Yngwie Malmstein pada usia 10 tahun.
Pada tahun 1993, ia pergi belajar ke Sydney Australia dan mendapatkan beasiswa untuk belajar jazz di Australian Institute of Music selama 2 tahun. Tahun 1997, ia kembali ke Bali dan membentuk Batuan Ethnic Fusion suatu jenis musik yang memadukan alat musik gamelan Bali dan jazz.
Kelompok ini memperkenalkan konsep Orkestra Seruling Bambu dengan 5 orang pemain seruling. Batuan Ethnic Fusion juga menekankan pada konsep ethnic sebagai elemen utamanya.
I Wayan Balawan was born in Bali in September 1973 in the atmosphere of a family that loved the Bali gamelan. At the age of 8 years, he began to learn guitar. His proficiency in playing guitar was shown when he was able to play Virtuoso Style a la Yngwie Malmstein at the age of ten years.
In the year of 1993, he went to study in Sydney, Australia, and gained the scholarship for learning jazz in the Australian Institute of Music for two years. In 1997, he came back to Bali and formed the Batuan Ethnic Fusion, a music genre combining the Bali gamelan music instruments and jazz.
This group introduced the concept of Orkestra Seruling Bambu (Bamboo Flute Orchestra) with five flute players. The Batuan Ethnic Fusion also stresses the ethnic concept as its main element.
28 September 2007 | 19:00
Pekan Museum Wayang V Tahun 2007
Museum Wayang
Jl. Pintu Besar Utara No. 27
Pergelaran Wayang Kulit Purwa sekaligus dalam rangka Launching Kota Tua
Informasi: 692-7289
23 September 2007 | 21:00
Rp. 400.000; Rp. 300.000
Istora Senayan-Gelora Bung Karno Jakarta
T 579-88623/4/5
Fall Out Boy, grup musik rock mancanegara yang akan konser di Indonesia, sudah merilis enam album selama empat tahun terakhir. Patrick Stump (vocal, guitar); Pete Wentz (bass); Joe Trohman (guitar); Andy Hurley (drums)
Dari wikipedia tentan style musik Fall Out Boy:
While widely considered to be a pop punk and rock band,Fall Out Boy is often described as emo. Take This To Your Grave and From Under The Cork Tree are both said to have pop punk as well as hardcore punk sounds and influences, and their latest work, Infinity On High, features a wide range of styles and instrumentation, including orchestral and choral arrangements ("Thnks fr th Mmrs", "You're Crashing, But You're No Wave") and a slower piano ballad ("Golden"). Moreover, a central part of Fall Out Boy's sound is rooted in the band's lyrics, mainly penned by bassist Pete Wentz, who commonly uses irony and other literary devices to narrate personal experiences and stories.
Labels: musik
29 September 2007 | 20:30
Rp. 20.000; Rp. 15.000
Gedung Wayang Orang Bharata
Jl. Kalilio No. 1
T 7064-2535
Labels: wayang
19 September 2007 | 19.00 | Rp 50.000; 40.000
Jalan Gedung Kesenian No.1 - Jakarta 10710.
T 380 8283, 344 1892 - F 381 0924
E gkj@pacific.net.id - www.gedungkesenianjakarta.com
Konser Conny Cornelia Mulawarma (Piano - Indonesia) dan Sonja Bϋhler (Sopran - Jerman)
The Consert of Conny Cornelia Mulawarma (Indonesia-Piano) and Sonja Bϋhler (German - Sopran)
W.A. Mozart:Dans Un Bois Solitaire; Ridente la Calma; Sonata C-Dur KV 300h (330); Allegro Moderato; Andante Cantabile; Allegreto
F. Schubert: Ave Maria
R. Schumann: Widmung; Du Bist wie eine Blume
J. Brahms: Serenate; Wir Wandelen; An die Nachtigall
J. Strauss: Mein Herr Marquis (From Die Fledermaus)
G. Puccini: O Mio Babbino Caro (From Gianni Schicchi)
Joaquin Rodrigo: Cuatro Madrigales Amatorios; Vos me matasteis; De donde venis, amore?; De los Alamos vengo, madre; Con que la lavare?
G. Donizetti: Quel guard oil cavaliere/So anch’io (From Don Pasquale)
A.L Weber: Think Of Me (From The Phantom of the Opera)
Conny Cornellia Mulawarma
Conny lahir di Sumatera Utara, Indonesia dan mendapatkan pelajaran piano sejak umur 5 tahun dari ibunya sendiri kemudian mengambil Pre-Conservatory Degree di sekolah musik. Pada umur 17 tahun untuk pertama kalinya ia tampil di Gedung Kesenian Jakarta dan bergabung bersama Camerata di Musica Jakarta dalam program musik klasik TVRI. Tahun 1994, ia melanjutkan studi musiknya di Freiburg-Jerman bersama Prof. Dieter Mack. 1 tahun kemudian ia belajar di Staatliche Musikhochshule Freiburg dengan Prof. Michael Leuschner dan mendapatkan gelar Diplom Musiklehrerin pada tahun 1999. Ia aktif melakukan konser-konser pianonya di Jerman, Swiss, Uni Emirat Arab dan Spanyol. Di Indonesia, Conny turut berpartisipasi dalam Jakarta International Festival of the Performing Arts 1997, 2002 dan Festival Schouwburg 2005.
Conny was born in North Sumatra, Indonesia, and had studied piano lessons since 5 years old from her own mother. Then she took the Pre-Conservatory Degree at a music school. At the age of 17 years, for the first time she made a performance in the Jakarta Art Building and joined the Camerata in Musica Jakarta in the TVRI classical music programs. In 1994, she continued her music study in Freiburg, Germany, with Prof. Dieter Mack. One year later she studied Staatliche Musikhochshule Freiburg with Prof. Michael Leuschner and gained the title of Diplom Musiklehrerin in the year of 1999. She was active in performing her piano concerts in Germany, Switzerland, Arab Emirate Union and Spain. In Indonesia, Conny took part in the Jakarta International Festival of the Performing Arts 1997, 2002 and the Festival Schouwburg 2005.
Sonja Bϋhler
Sonja lahir dan besar di Schiltach, Black Forest-Jerman. Pada tahun 2000, ia mengambil jurusan Voice Performance di Rowan University Glassboro, New Jersey di bawah bimbingan Prof. Marian Stieber. Ia memulai karir menyanyinya dengan Rowan University Opera Company untuk konser Mozart’s Magic Flute (1st Spirit) sebagai Menotti’s Amahl dan the Nightvisitors. Selain itu ia juga menyanyi sebagai Suor Genovieffa dalam Puccini’s Suor Angelica, sebagai Elise di Gilbert&Sullivan’s The Yeomen of the Guard dan sebagai the Countess dalam Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro.
Bersama Rowan University Chamber Choir dan the Concert Choir, Sonja sering menjadi soloist di bawah bimbingan Dr. Robert Page. Pada bulan Mei 2004, ia menyelesaikan studi sarjananya dengan gelar Summa Cum Laude dan mendapat penghargaan the Ann V. Ward for Creative Achievement in Fine and Performing Arts.
Sonja was born and raised in Schiltach, Black Forest, Germany. In the year of 2000, she took the department of Voice Performance in Rowan University Glassboro, New Jersey, under the guidance of Prof. Marian Stieber. She began her singing career with the Rowan University Opera Company for the concert of Mozart’s Magic Flute (1st Spirit) as Menotti’s Amahl and the Nightvisitors. Besides that, she also sang as Suor Genovieffa in Puccini’s Suor Angelica, as Elise in Gilbert&Sullivan’s The Yeomen of the Guard and as the Countess in Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro.
With Rowan University Chamber Choir and the Concert Choir, Sonja often became the soloist under the guidance of Dr. Robert Page. In May 2004, she finished her graduate title with Summa Cum Laude achievement and gained the Ann V. Ward for Creative Achievement in Fine and Performing Arts.
15-16 September 2007 | 20.00 - Rp 75.000; 50.000
Jalan Gedung Kesenian No.1 - Jakarta 10710.
T 380 8283, 344 1892 - F 381 0924
E gkj@pacific.net.id - www.gedungkesenianjakarta.com
1. Survival karya Farida Oetoyo dengan iringan musik dari komponis Sergei Prokofiev (Stone Flower). Penari : Adella Fauzi, Alleta Fauzi, Ann Bella Nyo, Carolyn Windy, Eliza Hadiyati, Hilaria Ananda, Kako Hayama, Olive Avena Halim, Trisutjoi Maharani, Sekar Arum Nirmala, Sekar Kinarsih, Sita Kristiana, Susi Mariyah, Agung Wardhana, Yosep Wahyu Tristiantoro, Siko Setyanto, Danang Sugiarto, Siswanto Kodrata, Surya Wahidayat
Survival adalah sebuah karya balet klasik karya Farida Oetoyo yang penuh dengan nuansa dan sentuhan pribadi. Karya ini diilhami oleh musik Sergei Prokofiev dan pertama kali ditarikan pada acara Pembukaan Gedung Kesenian Jakarta pada tahun 1987.
2. Let It Be Me karya Yudistira Syuman dengan iringan musik dari komponis Pioter I Tchaikovsky, Bon Jovi dan Shirley Horn. Penari : Ann Bella Nyo, Ayusmara Putrisandya, Sekar Arum Nirmala, Susi Mariyah, Agung Wardhana, Danang, Jasin Dionisius, Siko Setianto, Surya Wahidayat.
Let It Be Me menggambarkan kehidupan homoseksual di kota besar di Indonesia. Yudistira mengemasnya secara apik dengan cerita-cerita mereka sendiri, pengalaman hidup mereka, bagaimana mereka sebenarnya dan suka serta duka mereka sebagai seorang homoseksual.
1. Survival is the work of Farida Oetoyo with music accompany of the componist Sergei Prokofiev (Stone Flower). Dancers: Adella Fauzi, Alleta Fauzi, Ann Bella Nyo, Carolyn Windy, Eliza Hadiyati, Hilaria Ananda, Kako Hayama, Olive Avena Halim, Trisutjoi Maharani, Sekar Arum Nirmala, Sekar Kinarsih, Sita Kristiana, Susi Mariyah, Agung Wardhana, Yosep Wahyu Tristiantoro, Siko Setyanto, Danang Sugiarto, Siswanto Kodrata, Surya Wahidayat.
Survival is a classic ballet work by Farida Oetoyo that is full of personal nuances and touches. This work is inspired by the music of Sergei Prokofiev and for the first time was danced at the Opening Ceremony of Jakarta Art Building in 1987.
2. Let It Be Me is the work of Yudistira Syuman with the music accompany of the componist Pioter I Tchaikovsky, Bon Jovi and Shirley Horn. Dancers: Ann Bella Nyo, Ayusmara Putrisandya, Sekar Arum Nirmala, Susi Mariyah, Agung Wardhana, Danang, Jasin Dionisius, Siko Setianto, Surya Wahidayat.
Let It Be Me illustrates the homosexual life the big cities of Indonesia. Yudistira is packing it neatly with their own stories, their life experiences, how they are really and the ups and downs of a homosexual one.
15 September 2007 | 13.00Ciné Ramadan
Pemutaran film ramadan setiap Sabtu 13.00
CCF Salemba
Jl. Salemba Raya No. 25
T 390 8580
F 390 8586,
2002, 90 minutes, versi Prancis teks inggris
karya Laurent Chevallier
Di Soissy-sur-Ecole, daerah Essonne, provinsi Ile-de-France, dengan populasi 2000. Di sebuah desa tinggal dua warga Arab, Brahim dan Mustapha, yang berusaha keluar dari permasalahan mereka : Brahim sedang sekarat dan Mustapha harus berusaha hidup mandiri tanpa Brahim.
Documentary about Brahim, the only Arab in a village, Soisy sur Ecole, in France, who has lived a quiet and isolated life there for the past twenty years. When fellow Morroccan Mostafa El Affi arrives, he encourages Brahim to come out of obscurity and to help run the local shop, to revisit his family, and to blossom into a well-liked, integral man of the village.
15 September 2007 | 13:00
Ciné Ramadan
Pemutaran film ramadan setiap Sabtu 13.00
CCF Jakarta
Jl Wijaya 1, no.48
Kebayoran Baru
T 724-7064
F 720-6961
2001, 98 minutes, versi Prancis
karya Yamina Benguigui
menampilkan Fejria Deliba, Zinedine Soualem, Marie-France Pisier
FIPRESCI International Critics' Award (2001 Toronto International Film Festival)
Tahun 1974, Zouina seorang magribi berumur tigapuluhan tiba dari Aljazair bersama tiga anaknya untuk menetap di Saint-Quentin di bawah pengawasan ketat dari ibu mertuanya. Dia datang untuk tinggal bersama Ahmed suaminya, buruh di pabrik tekstil, yang hampir tidak ia kenali lagi. Zouina tinggal bertetangga dengan sepasang pensiunan tua. Kehadiran keluarga ini membawa persoalan besar bagi keluarga Donze dan berbagai masalah pun bermunculan.
In the aftermath of World War 2, France attempted to replenish its weakened work force by recruiting men from North Africa. In the mid-1970's, the French government relaxed its immigration policy to allow the families of Algerian men to join them. Inch'Allah Dimanche provides us with a deeply moving memoir of the sense of isolation and vulnerability that the immigrant family experienced upon their arrival at a time when racial integration was virtually non-existent.
Zouina (Fejria Deliba in a richly emotional performance) is a woman who is torn from her home in Algeria. With her three children and her abrupt mother-in-law, Aicha (Rabia Modedem), she rejoins her husband in a foreign and unaccommodating land. She finds herself feeling imprisoned between a distant husband who scorns her, a hostile mother-in-law and a neighbor (a comedic France Darry) who is afraid of Fejria's otherness. But Zouina's finally begins to feel a sense of acceptance when she meets a cosmetics factory worker who sparks in Zouina an interest in French culture and her new world. This curiosity, and her longing for freedom and experience, drives Zouina to take secret excursions with her children on Sundays, the one day that her husband and mother-in-law are out of the house. Through these little adventures, she comes to terms with the difficulties of immigration, change, and adaptation to a new culture.
Music Concert y Alessio Monti
14 September 2007 | 20.00
Rp 50.000; 40.000
Acara di pendopo | Show in the veranda:
Angklung Mang Udjo
Jalan Gedung Kesenian No.1 - Jakarta 10710.
T 380 8283, 344 1892
F 381 0924
E gkj@pacific.net.id
Alessio Monti menyelesaikan pendidikan formalnya dalam bidang musik di Konservatori L. Cherubini Florence di bawah bimbingan M. Alvaro dengan nilai Pujian. Setelah itu, ia melakukan beberapa konsernya ke beberapa negara atas undangan dari sekolah-sekolah musik dan institusi-institusi musik seperti di Eropa, Asia, Afrika dan Amerika).
Ia juga memberikan Master Class untuk gitar di Escuela Universitaria de Musica Montevideo, Conservatorio A. Barrios Asuncion, National Conservatory di Nairobi, Univerditate di Rio de Janeiro, India International Center di New Delhi, Hofstra University di New York, Conservatorio Nacional di Santiago del Cile dan di Bangkok Guitar Society di Bangkok-Thailand.
Dalam beberapa saat, ia akan mempublikasikan CD gitarnya yang lain dimana ada beberapa transkripsi untuk lagu-lagu Neapolitan. Saat ini, ia menjadi promoter dan direktur artistic di “Tuscan Guitaristic Center”, yaitu organisasi yang membuat kompetisi-kompetisi gitar bulanan
Alessio Monti finished his formal education in music in Conservatori L. Cherubini Florence under the guidance of M. Alvaro with the Cum Laude achievement. After that, he conducted some of his concerts to some countries upon the invitation of music schools and music institutes, e.g. in Europe, Asia, Africa and America.
He also teaches the Master Class of guitar in Escuela Universitaria de Musica Montevideo, Conservatorio A. Barrios Asuncion, National Conservatory in Nairobi, Univerditate in Rio de Janeiro, India International Center di New Delhi, Hofstra University in New York, Conservatorio Nacional in Santiago del Cile and in Bangkok Guitar Society in Bangkok-Thailand.
In the near future, he will publicate his guitar CD where there is the transcription of Neapolitan songs. Currently, he is the promoter and the artistic director at “Tuscan Guitaristic Center”, i.e. an organization that organizes the monthly guitar competitions.
11 September 2007 | 20.00 | Rp 50.000; 40.000
Acara di pendopo | Show in the veranda: Paco Ansambel
Jalan Gedung Kesenian No.1 - Jakarta 10710.
T 380 8283, 344 1892 - F 381 0924
E gkj@pacific.net.id - www.gedungkesenianjakarta.com
- Angola, Benguela Jogo and Acrobatic Performance
- Capoeira Angola in Pastinha Time
- Samba de Roda and Capoeira
- Puxada de Rede in Bimba Time
- Afro Dance in the Colonial Time of Brazil Maculele
Grupo de Capoiera Mandinga Brasileira adalah sebuah kelompok Capoeira di Surabaya yang didirikan oleh Lilica Vargas. Ia tidak saja melatih Capoeira tetapi juga membuat instrumentasi musik dan komposisi-komposisi tradisional untuk Capoiera. Ia sudah berkecimpung selama 9 tahun dalam aktifitas pelatihan Capoeira.
Kali ini Grupo de Capoeira Mandingan Brasileira menampilkan tema “Not the BEST, Not the Worst, just EQUAL” untuk membangun perasaan kebersamaan antara latar belakang etnis dan rasial yang berbeda.
Grupo de Capoeira, Madingan Brasileira, is a Capoeira group based in Surabaya, formed by Lilica Vargas. With her expertise in the field for more than 9 years, Lilica Vargas has trained the members not only to play Capoeira but also instruments, sing traditional capoeira songs as well as all capoeira related history.
“Not the BEST, Not the Worst, just EQUAL” that’s how Mandingan Brasileira unites people of all racial and ethnic background in Capoeira.
11 September 2007 | 19:00
Gedung Teater Besar
Pusat Kesenian Jakarta
Taman Ismail Marzuki
Jl. Cikini Raya No. 73
Untuk keenam kalinya pada tahun 2007 ini Dinas Kebudayaan dan Permuseuman Prov. DKI Jakarta menyelenggarakan Komedi Betawi pada tanggal 11 September 2007 pukul 19.00 WIB. Ada hal yang istimewa pada kali pertunjukan ini yaitu bertepatan dengan soft opening Gedung Teater Besar Pusat Kesenian Jakarta Taman Ismail Marzuki yang terletak di Jl. Cikini Raya No. 73, Jakarta Pusat. Nantinya Gedung Teater Besar ini akan menjadi salah satu pusat kesenian termegah di Asia. Biasanya pergelaran Komedi Betawi dilaksanakan di Gedung Kesenian Jakarta.
Tema yang diangkat adalah Raden Saleh, yaitu nama seorang tokoh pelukis yang pada zamannya hasil lukisannya terkenal hingga ke seantaro Eropa..
Pendukung Komedi Betawi kali ini selain para komedian senior Betawi seperti H. Bolot, H. Bodong, Hj. Nori, Rini SBB, Kubil, Edi Oglek, Rudi Sipit, Rita Hamzah, Jaya dan Madih, juga di dukung beberapa pejabat di lingkungan Pempvrov DKI Jakarta seperti Hari Sanjoyo (Ass. Keuangan), Muhayat (Walikota Jakarta Pusat), Camat Menteng dan juga Lurah Cikini. Sebagai bintang tamu diantaranya artis Cut Memey, Hemalia Putri, Jojon, Tarzan dan lainnya. Sutradara Syaiful Amri dibantu Asisten Sutradara Maulana Firdaus dengan Koordinator Musik Tatang Suhenda.
Secara singkat, sinopsis Raden Saleh sebagai berikut :
Raden saleh merupakan anak Indonesia yang mempunyai talenta bagus di jamannya. Ia amat berbakat melukis, terlebih ia dirawat oleh pamannya yang menjadi Bupati di jajaran pemerintahan Hindia Belanda, oleh karena itu Raden Saleh mendapat pendidikan yang lebih terarah. Berkat bakatnya itu ia di hargai oleh pemerintah Belanda, ia pun diberi kesempatan untuk menimba ilmu di negeri Belanda. Ada yang bilang ia dikirim ke Belanda untuk menghindari kemungkinan ia akan membantu Pangeran Diponegoro melawan Belanda. Di negeri Belanda itu ia banyak menghasilkan lukisan lukisan yang menarik perhatian pelukis pelukis ternama di Eropa. Namanya pun tersebar dikawasan Eropa, karena ia banyak membuat lukisan yang bertema binatang buas dengan beraliran Romantis yang merupakan gaya senilukis Raden Saleh ini sehingga ia dikagumi dimana-mana. Setelah ia banyak belajar di Eropa akhirnya ia kembali ke Indonesia. Karena di Eropa ia berhasil, di Indonesia ia membangun rumah yang sangat megah dipinggir kali Ciliwung, kini terkenal sebagai Rumah Sakit Cikini, dan perlu diketahui bahwa tanah yang disebut sebagai Pusat Kesenian Jakarta, Taman Ismail Marzuki merupakan tanah kepunyaan Raden Saleh. Raden Saleh menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya di kediamannya, tepatnya di Bogor yang saat itu ia memegang jabatan Konservator koleksi benda-benda seni. Bangsa Indonesia pun akan selalu mengingat Raden Saleh sebagai seniman yang berjasa untuk kesenian di Indonesia ini.
Informasi: 526-3236
11 September 2007 | 19.00
Gedung Teater Besar
Pusat Kesenian Jakarta
Taman Ismail Marzuki
Jl. Cikini Raya No. 73
Masterplan Gedung Teater Besar dibuat pada tahun 1995. Pekerjaan fisik dimulai pada tahun 1996. Gedung Teater Besar terdiri dari Teater Lyric (Besar), Teater Studio (Kecil) dan Ruang Pameran Teater Studio. Teater Kecil sudah dimanfaatkan sejak Tahun 2003. Teater Studio sudah dioperasikan sejak tahun 2004.
Pemanfaatan Gedung/soft opening Gedung Teater Besar rencananya akan dilakukan oleh Gubernur Prov DKI Jakarta. Nantinya Gedung Teater Besar ini akan menjadi salah satu pusat kesenian termegah di Asia.
Informasi: 526-3236
9 September 2007 | 11.00; 16:00
Rp 150.000; 100.000
Special Price for NAMARINA Ballet & Jazz members
Graha Bhakti Budaya
T 829 4777, 829 4778, 739 6122
8 September 2007 | 16.00 | Rp 50.000; 40.000
Acara di pendopo | Show in the veranda: Dance & Balinese gamelan
Jalan Gedung Kesenian No.1 - Jakarta 10710.
T 380 8283, 344 1892 - F 381 0924
E gkj@pacific.net.id - www.gedungkesenianjakarta.com
Pertunjukkan Tari Kreasi & Garapan Dolanan Anak
A Dance Show Created & Produced by Dolanan Anak
Koordinator : I Gusti Made Danta
Penata Musik : I Nyoman Windha
Tari dan musik gamelan Bali oleh LKB Saraswati
Pimpinan : I Gusti Kompyang Raka
Coordinator : I Gusti Made Danta
Music Arranger : I Nyoman Windha
Dance and Bali gamelan music by LKB Saraswati
Directed by : I Gusti Kompyang Raka
Sejumlah 50 orang penari dan penabuh anak-anak usia SD dan SMP didatangkan dari Br. Kutri, Gianyar, Bali untuk menyemarakan Festival Schouwburg VI 2007 yang diselenggarakan oleh Gedung Kesenian Jakarta. Mereka mempersiapkan diri dengan berlatih secara terus menerus sejak 3 tahun yang lalu dan telah tampil di berbagai acara penting termasuk pada Festival Kesenian Bali tahun lalu.
50 dancers and gendang drummers from elementary school and junior high school from Br. Kutri, Gianyar, Bali will perform for Festival Schouwburg VI 2007 in Gedung Kesenian Jakarta. They will be training since 3 years ago and performed in numerous fesrival such as Festival Kesenian Bali last year.
8 September 2007 | 13:00Ciné Ramadan
Pemutaran film ramadan setiap Sabtu 13.00
CCF Jakarta
Jl Wijaya 1, no.48
Kebayoran Baru
T 724-7064
F 720-6961
2005, 110 minutes, versi Prancis
karya Xavier Beauvois
menampilkan Nathalie Baye, Jalil Lespert, Roschdy Zem
Begitu lulus dari akademi kepolisian, Antoine berangkat ke Paris untuk bergabung bersama divisi kedua polisi pengadilan. Caroline Vaudieu memilih letnan kecil ini untuk masuk dalam timnya. Dia segera terikat dengan pria muda yang seusia anaknya yang hilang…
"Le Petit Lieutenant" is a quiet powerhouse of a film, an implacable, uncompromising French police drama, both old-fashioned and modern, that underlines the reasons impeccably made crime stories do so well on screen.
Nominated for six Césars, including best picture and deservedly winning best actress for the great veteran Nathalie Baye, "Le Petit Lieutenant" is successful on two parallel levels.
"Le Petit Lieutenant" is an involving character drama before it is anything else, a film that is determined to give us a real sense of what the lives of a group of elite Parisian police officers are like on the most intimate level.
But because the police do what they do, "Le Petit Lieutenant" inevitably deals as well with death and crimes that have to be solved, with human behavior at moments of extreme and painful crisis.
That Beauvois' film adroitly combines both strands is due to the filmmaker's determination, in his own words, "to be scrupulously faithful to the reality of a police investigation and to use all I had seen" in several months spent following a French police captain through his daily life.
What this means specifically is that "Le Petit Lieutenant" has been shot in a crisp, purposeful style and that the director has insisted on low-key, unforced acting from all his players. This is filmmaking that indicates more than overemphasizes, that understands the value of naturalism above all things.
Just as welcome, and just as rare, "Le Petit Lieutenant" is in no kind of rush or hurry. Beauvois is sure enough of his story to let things play out on their own terms. Given how deliberately this film moves, how moving it turns out to be may seem surprising, but it is the former that has led to the latter.
The film begins with Antoine, the young lieutenant of the title, graduating from the national police academy in his native Normandy. He gets the posting he wants, as a plainclothes detective in exciting Paris, though it means leaving his young teacher wife behind.
Jalil Lespert, who made a memorable debut as the star of Laurent Cantet's "Human Resources," is an excellent choice for Antoine. He gives us a well-mannered young man who seems plenty capable as a police officer but also has a likability, even a naive sweetness that we don't always see behind a badge.
"Le Petit Lieutenant" concentrates first on immersing us in the dailiness of Antoine's life as the new guy at the Paris station, trying to fit in. We go with him as he's assigned his weapon and rents a single-guy room to live in. And we meet the other people in his unit, in effect his family away from home.
There is Solo (Roschdy Zem, Cannes best actor winner for "Indigènes"), a Moroccan who's had trouble being accepted. There's the right-wing Morbe (the director himself) and Mallet (Antoine Chappey), who's always looking for an easy way out. And then there is his boss, Chief Inspector Caroline Vaudieu (Baye), who is a film all by herself.
An extremely experienced officer who really knows her job, the inspector is a recovering alcoholic who is just returning to life on the street but still bears the scars of the experiences that led her to drink. With her careworn face and eyes that have seen more than anyone should, Baye brings this complex, distraught character to exceptionally vivid and moving life.
Gradually, as Antoine gets his footing under the inspector's sympathetic but watchful eyes, "Le Petit Lieutenant" shifts its focus to the cases to which he and the unit are assigned, specifically the murder of a homeless man whose body is found in the Seine.
Here, once again, director Beauvois emphasizes the minutiae of police work, the boredom-inducing checking and rechecking of facts, the ever-so-slow accumulation of evidence that leads the police to feel the futility of their jobs.
But, always lurking behind the tedium is the sense of impending danger, the idea that it's in the nature of police work that things could explode at any moment. With its exceptional restraint and psychological complexity paying full dividends, "Le Petit Lieutenant" makes that contrast and its consequences unforgettable. | kenneth.turan@latimes.com
8 September 2007 | 13.00Ciné Ramadan
Pemutaran film ramadan setiap Sabtu 13.00
CCF Salemba
Jl. Salemba Raya No. 25
T 390 8580
F 390 8586,
1995, 95 minutes, versi Prancis
karya Mathieu Kassovitz
menampilkan Vincent Cassel, Hubert Koundé, Saïd Taghmaoui
Untuk mengusir rasa bosan dan menghabiskan waktu, tiga pemuda berjalan-jalan. Kerusuhan terjadi setelah Abdel Ichah dipukuli polisi waktu sedang diinterogasi. Malam itu merupakan malam terpenting dalam hidup mereka.
When a film called La Haine was released in France in 1995 it caused something of a stir. A sucess at the French box office, with around 500,000 viewers in the first six weeks of its release, as well as with the critics (it won the Best Director Award at Cannes), it became one of the most controversial and talked about French films in recent years.
The interest was unusual as the film was written and directed by a largely unknown young filmmaker and actor. Moreover, it was filmed in black and white, with no big name stars on a small budget (an estimated FF15 million). In Kassovitz, France, it seemed, had produced a young, talented and provocative filmmaker to rival American directors like Spike Lee, Quentin Tarrantino or even Britain's Danny Boyle.
The stir La Haine caused was, in part, due to its controversial subject matter - les banlieues (the suburbs) - which had, since the 1980s, become synonymous with France's major problems of unemployment, social exclusion, racial conflict, (sub)urban decay, criminality and violence. It was also due, in part, to its negative portrayal of the police who, with the exception of one officer of North African descent, are represented as violent, racist and uncomprehending. It was also due in part to its sympathetic, some might say indulgent, representation of an excluded and multi-ethnic suburban youth.
The initial story for La Haine came from a real-life fait divers: the shooting of a sixteen-year-old Zairean youth called Makomé Bowole in police custody in 1993. Unlike the Rodney King affair (a black man beaten by LAPD police officers was caught on videotape) which received wider public attention, Makomé's death went relatively unreported and unnoticed.
La Haine follows one day in the lives of three young banlieusards: Vinz, of Jewish descent, Saïd, a Beur, and Hubert, of African origin. Kassovitz replaces the bleu, blanc, rouge of the tricolore with the beur, blanc, `black' of the banlieues. The three friends are shown living by their wits, surviving on petty crime and small-time drug deals on a low income housing estate outside Paris. It's no ordinary day for them however, as a riot has just taken place on their estate, a friend has been assaulted in police custody and lies in hospital in a coma. To make things more explosive, Vinz finds a police revolver (une flingue) dropped, or stolen, during the rioting. As the three hang out together, picking over the aftermath of the riot and discussing the condition of their comatose friend, the tension mounts
The film is about the interracial solidarity of a small gang (une bande) of friends, divided by race, religion and ethnicity but joined by the common bonds of geographical and economic isolation. Living a life far removed from the far away from affluence of middle-class or tourist Paris, the three eke out a living by dodging and diving, working small-scale scams like dealing dope and handling stolen goods. Kassovitz is not so much interested in inter-racial violence - this is only touched upon briefly as part of a broader antagonism between young banlieusards and the police - but on a specific class (or underclass) and generation. | Tony McNeill, The University of Sunderland
Indra Lesmana, Gilang Ramadhan and Pra Budi Dharma
7 September 2007 | 20.00
Rp 100.000
Jalan Gedung Kesenian No.1 - Jakarta 10710.
T 380 8283, 344 1892
F 381 0924
E gkj@pacific.net.id
Dalam konser kali ini, Indra Lesmana membawa formasi Indra Lesmana Trio dimana ia tampil pada akustik piano dan pianika bersama dua sahabat lamanya, Gilang Ramadhan (drums) serta Prabudi Darma (bass) yang juga musisi papan atas Indonesia dan memiliki kemampuan serta pengalaman dalam ekplorasi musik jazz dan musik tradisional.
Hal ini dinilai Indra cukup penting mengingat ia mempersiapkan secara khusus sembilan komposisi baru dalam kemasan jazz bebop dengan nuansa ethnic Indonesia untuk pertama kalinya.
Indra Lesmana Trio pertama kali dibentuk pada tahun 1996 untuk tampil di Singapore Jazz Festival. “ Ini adalah bagian dari perjalanan ekplorasi kesenian kami bertiga. Musik kami kini berbeda dari saat kami bermain di tahun 1996 yang membawa style fussion. Kini kami memainkan musik jazz bebop dengan nuansa eksotika Indonesia. “ jelas Prabudi Darma
In this concert, Indra Lesmana bring the Indra Lesmana formation where he plays the accoustic piano and pianica with his two old friends, Gilang Ramadhan (drums) and Prabudi Darma (bass) who are also Indonesian high-level musicians and have the ability and experience in exploring the jazz music and the traditional music.
Indra considers this show important because he has made a special preparation for nine new compositions in bebop jazz package with Indonesian ethnic nuances for the first time.
Indra Lesmana Trio was formed for the first time in 1996 to be present in the Singapore Jazz Festival. “This is a part of our art exploration course. Our music now is different from the ones in 1996 with the fussion style. Now we play bebop jazz music with Indonesian exotic nuances,” Prabudi Darma elaborates.
7 September 2007 | 16:30
Ayo Berjuang
1998/120 menit
Sutradara : Itsumichi Isomura
Pemain : Rena Tanaka, Mami Shimizu,Wakana Aoi
The Japan Foundation
Summitmas I, Lantai 2-3, Jend Sudirman 61-62 Jakarta 12190
T 520 1266 F 525 5159
Etsuko mendirikan klub mendayung di sekolahnya. Sayang, para anggotanya merasa minder. Mereka juga mereka tidak memiliki pelatih professional.Sulit rasanya untuk menandingi kelompok Boo yang sudah lama menjadi musuh bebuyutan Etsuko.Swing Girls
7 September 2007 | 19:00
2004/105 menit
Sekelompok gadis terpaksa mengikuti bimbingan remedial untuk pelajaran matematika. Alih-alih belajar, para gadis ini justru sibuk mencari cara untuk kabur dari kelas dengan dalih mengirimkan rangsum makan siang bagi kelompok marching band yang tengah berlaga. Takuo yang jenuh dengan aktivitas marching band akhirnya tersemangati oleh kehadiran para gadis ini.
Labels: film, Japan Foundation
6 September 2007
09:00-14:00 : WORKSHOP
14:00-17:00 : DISKUSI
Sanggar Baru
Taman Ismail Marzuki
Jl. Cikini Raya 73 Jakarta 10330
T 337 325, 334 740, 315 4087 F 334 720
Akamarukyuujyousyou, Daiji Meguro (Ko & Edge Co.), Yukio Suzuki (Ko & Edge Co.) dan Hiroyuki Miura yang tergabung dalam “ Japan Contemporary Dance Network” – Jejaring Seni Tari Kontemporer Jepang (JCDN) akan menampilkan rangkaian tari kontemporer Jepang di negara-negara Asia termasuk Indonesia.
Di Indonesia mereka akan tampil pada acara Gelar Koreografi KOTA dalam pentas tari, workshop dan diskusi yang diselenggarakan atas kerjasama the Japan Foundation, Dewan Kesenian Jakarta, Goethe Institut, Yayasan Kelola, beberapa lembaga sponsor serta didukung oleh the Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan.
6 September 2007 | 16:30
Gadis-gadis yang jatuh cinta
1986/98 menit | Sutradara : Kazuki Omori
Pemain : Yuki Saito,Maiko Takai,Haruko Sagara
The Japan Foundation
Summitmas I, Lantai 2-3, Jend Sudirman 61-62 Jakarta 12190
T 520 1266 F 525 5159
Takako dan 3 sahabatnya tengah berada di usia pubertas. Tingkah mereka terkadang aneh saat jatuh cinta, seperti Midoriko yang selalu mengadakan upacara pemakaman saat ia jatuh cinta. Ternyata pengalaman cinta membuat mereka sedikit lebih dewasa.
Kono Mado Wa Kimi No Mono
6 September 2007 | 19:00
Jendela ini Milikmu
1994/95 menit
Yoko akan pindah ke Hokkaido. Maeda yang menaruh hati padanya meminta izin untuk rebah di pangkuannya. Namun hati Yoko tertaut pada Taro yang ternyata diam-diam menyukainya. Kisah manis ini ditutup dengan pesta kembang api yang menerangi langit malam.
Labels: film, Japan Foundation
5-6 September 2007 | 20.00
Rp 50.000; 40.000
Jalan Gedung Kesenian No.1 - Jakarta 10710.
T 380 8283, 344 1892
F 381 0924
E gkj@pacific.net.id
2007 World Premiere
International Collaboration (Netherlands- Indonesia)
Multimedia Dance Performance
PARA_dise a woman? | Bundo Kanduang | Jamuan Bisu
The world was a paradise
In this paradise wowen were rulling
There was no war and no violence
Eroticism was no taboo and there was freedom and tolerance
Pertunjukkan Tari Kontemporer Kolaborasi Koreografer
Gerard Masterd and Boi G. Sakti
Kali ini Gerard Mosterd dan Boy G. Sakti menampilkan tari kontemporernya yang berjudul Bundo Kanduang/The Paradise. Bundo Kanduang terilhami dari kebudayaan Sumatera Barat yang memiliki gerakan tari penuh dengan kekuatan dan kedamaian. Kemudian mereka memadupadankan dengan gerakan-gerakan manusia, flora dan fauna. Hasil koreografi Gerard Mosterd diilhami oleh ingatan-ingatan akan dirinya yang terlahir kembali yang dipertunjukan dengan gerakan-gerakan horizontal dan vertical. Gerakan ini menandakan hilangnya pengaruh ibu di dalam hidupnya.
This time Gerard Mosterd and Boi G. Sakti present a contemporary dance entitled Bundo Kanduang/The Paradise. Bundo Kanduang is inspired by the West Sumatra which has the dance movement that is powerful and peaceful. Then they integrate it with the movements of man, flora and fauna. The choreography of Gerard Mosterd is inspired by his memories of his own rebirth that is shown with the horizontal and vertical movements. This movement indicates the loss of his mother’s influence in his life.
But Boi G. Sakti (Indonesian) explores the natural emotions to indicate the influence of nature on its surroundings. Boi shows his choreography by horizontal movement as the realization of the earth elements that has a power symbol.
5 September 2007 | 20:00
Goethe Haus
Jl. Sam Ratulangi No 9-15, Menteng Jakarta Pusat
T 2355 0208
F 2355 0201
Akamarukyuujyousyou, Daiji Meguro (Ko & Edge Co.), Yukio Suzuki (Ko & Edge Co.) dan Hiroyuki Miura yang tergabung dalam “ Japan Contemporary Dance Network” – Jejaring Seni Tari Kontemporer Jepang (JCDN) akan menampilkan rangkaian tari kontemporer Jepang di negara-negara Asia termasuk Indonesia.
Di Indonesia mereka akan tampil pada acara Gelar Koreografi KOTA dalam pentas tari, workshop dan diskusi yang diselenggarakan atas kerjasama the Japan Foundation, Dewan Kesenian Jakarta, Goethe Institut, Yayasan Kelola, beberapa lembaga sponsor serta didukung oleh the Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan.
5 September 2007 | 19:00
Multifunctional Room
Istituto Italiano di Cultura
Jl. HOS Cokroaminto 117 Menteng, Jakarta 10350
T 392 7531/2, F 310 1661
Italian Film Festival on IIC Jakarta
Films for public, will be held on Wednesdays evening, at 19.00 PM onwards at the multi function hall of the Italian Institue of Culture (IIC) in Jakarta. The marathon of Italian films (subtitled in english) during this semester will present various genres, from classic movies, such as: Placido Rizzoto (Pasquale Scimeca, 2000), Da Zero a Dieci(Luciano Ligabue, 2002), and many other movies. No tickets or RSVP. For further informations, schedule, synopsis, etc, please contact our operator during working hours.
4 September 2007 | 19.30
Acara di pendopo | Show in the veranda:
Aceh Music led by Marzuki Hasan
Jalan Gedung Kesenian No.1 - Jakarta 10710.
T 380 8283, 344 1892 - F 381 0924
E gkj@pacific.net.id - www.gedungkesenianjakarta.com
Pementasan musik dan puisi yang dibawakan oleh wakil dari Kedutaan Besar negara-negara sahabat, seperti Duta Besar Rusia, Perancis, dll.; Ansambel Perkusi Rampak Gendang SMA 8 Jakarta; Ansambel musik klasik: Farman Purnama (Tenor), Adelaide Simbolon (Pianis), Yuyun George (Flute & saxophone) dan Rendy (Pianis cilik);
Skolastika Ansambel
Music Director : Marusya Nainggolan, MA
Artistic Director : Pongky Nuzirwan
Staging of music and poetry presented by the representative of friend country Embassies, such as: Russian Embassy, France Embassy & Italian Embassy.
Ansambel Perkusi Rampak Gendang SMA 8 Jakarta
Ansambel Classic Music: Binu Sukaman (Soprano), Adelaide Simbolon (Pianist), Yuyun George (Flute & Saxophone) and Rendy (Young Pianist)
Music Director : Marusya Nainggolan, MA
Artictic Director : Pongky Nuzirwan
25 August - 2 September 2007
This year Q! Festival presents films with coming-of-age and journey into adolescence under the theme umbrella called "Youth Revisited".
All the films have been selected in some pretigous festivals. Also a World Premiere of a short film "Twogether" by Singaporean director Victric Thng and a short documentary film "Paris Dreams Continued" by local director Dhani Agustinus.
There are also Q!Gossips where everyone can chat around with some filmmakers, novelists in depth. To answer some curiosity behind the making of a film, there will a behind-the-scene photo exhibition of a Japanese film called "First Love" at Japan Foundation during the festival.
Continuing the festival in Jakarta, 3 films will screen in Seminyak, Bali where people will watching film by the beach.
Film Screening Venues in Jakarta:
Blitz Megaplex - Grand Indonesia
Capacity: 144 seats
Jl. M. H. Thamrin 1, 8th Floor
T 2358 0200
Cemara 6 Gallery - Capacity: 60 seats
Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto 9 – 11
Menteng, Jakarta Pusat
T 3192 4505
Centre Culturel Francais (CCF) - Capacity: 43 seats
Jl. Salemba Raya 25
T 390 8585, 390 8580
Erasmus Huis - Capacity: 350 seats
Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said Kav. S-3
Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
T 524 1069
Goethe Haus - Capacity: 301 seats
Jl. Sam Ratulangi 9 – 15
Menteng, Jakarta Pusat
T 2355 0208
Japan Foundation - Capacity: 120 seats
Summitmas I, 2th – 3th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 61 – 62
T 520 1266
TIM 21 Studio 1 - Capacity: 139 seats
Jl. Cikini Raya 73
T 3193 4720
Subtitles DVD
Pixel Theater - Capacity: 20 seats
Dharmawangsa Square - The City Walk
Jl. Dharmawangsa IX, Basement Floor
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
T 7278 8337
1 September 2007 | 15.00
Pemutaran 5 film pendek & diskusi
CCF Salemba
Jl. Salemba Raya No. 25, Jakarta 10440
T 390 8580
F 390 8586,
à courts d’écran adalah sebuah program yang memfasilitasi pembuat film pendek Prancis dan Indonesia. Program pemutaran dilakukan sebulan sekali pada hari Sabtu minggu kedua sepanjang tahun 2007 di CCF Salemba. Pembuat film pendek Indonesia dapat mengirimkan karya mereka ke CCF Jakartadalam bentuk DVD atau VHS yang kemudian akan melalui proses kurasi untuk ditampilkan dalam satu program pemutaran.
Bulan September ini menampilkan film dengan tema yang berbicara mengenai godaan, gairah, pencarian kenikmatan, rahasia dibaliknya, serta kenikmatan dari rahasia itu sendiri. Film-film ini mengungkapkan intimasi tubuh dengan lingkup sosial yang mengelilinginya.
1 September 2007 | 18:00
Galeri Cipta III
Taman Ismail Marzuki
Graha Bhakti Budaya,
Jl. Cikini Raya 73 Jakarta
T 3193-7325
Labels: TIM